Cultivating diversity and inclusion at work: discover our international e-learning course

Diversity and inclusion are more than just passing trends, they’re the foundations on which successful businesses are built. At Equilibres, we believe in their power for positive transformation!  We are delighted to present our brand-new 5-module e-learning course:  The fundamentals of diversity and inclusion The principles of non-discrimination Equality between men and women in the…

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Putting an end to the “gray zone” of consent

Consent is a concept that raises many questions during our training sessions, as it seems so vague to our participants. We often talk about how difficult it is to explain its contours, and how it’s mostly a matter of perception and feeling. How do we know if there is consent? Aren’t there any “gray areas”?…

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Achieving equal opportunities through education, a global challenge

Equality of educational opportunity is a global issue, sometimes erroneously associated only with developing countries. Indeed, even in developed countries like France, educational disparities are a source of inequality at different stages of life. UNESCO defines equal opportunity as “the creation of equal conditions for all individuals to realize their potential, regardless of social origin,…

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What men can do for professional equality

According to INSEE, the average wage income of women working in the private sector in France in 2023 will still be 24% lower than that of men. Thus, despite the multiplication of binding public policies since the 1983 Roudy law on professional equality, the Observatoire des Inégalités (OI) points out that, at the rate of…

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Inclusive management, a lever for talent retention – RH&M

We’re navigating in the ” after world “, the one in which certain job categories are under pressure, and others are changing; the one in which, on the surface, nothing has changed, but everything is different. For it will not have slipped your attention: our relationship with work has changed. Having experienced periods of high…

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Family carers: the forgotten victims of inclusion policies

Whatever their size or sector of activity, more and more companies and organizations are recognizing the importance of creating work environments where every employee feels valued and respected. Yet, in their efforts to promote inclusion, they often forget to take an interest in family carers. Whatever their size or sector of activity, more and more…

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Are psychological and social risks gendered?

Psychological health and well-being in the workplace have become a core focus of Human Resources (HR) policies. Evolutions in how people approach their work and career, along with various scandals, such as the institutionalized harassment of employees at France Telecom (now Orange Telecoms) during the noughties, have caused new questions to arise but also new…

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Racial discrimination: a forgotten facet of diversity & inclusion policies?

Following the publication of several studies demonstrating the existence of widespread racial discrimination, and under the impetus of public authorities, diversity and inclusion policies were at first implemented across French companies during the noughties. These measures were in response to strong evidence which showed that one’s “origin” (a word that refers to a hodgepodge of…

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Women in tech: why going back in time is a step forward

Here’s a plot twist you were most likely not aware of: did you know that tech has not always been a man’s world? It is estimated that women represented between 30 and 50% of computer science students in the 1950s (1), most of whom went on to work in the digital and tech industries upon graduation…

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