Inclusive management, a lever for talent retention – RH&M

We're navigating in the " after world ", the one in which certain job categories are under pressure, and others are changing; the one in which, on the surface, nothing has changed, but everything is different. For it will not have slipped your attention: our relationship with work has changed. Having experienced periods of high overload - or underload - and having belonged to the category of essential - or non-essential - professions, our level of contribution, our degree of involvement and our ability to project ourselves have been severely shaken. New generations are rejecting "all-work", while older generations are beginning to question it (four-day week, telecommuting, etc.). Today, the nature of the task, the challenges to be met and the prospects for advancement are just as important as recognition of effort, benevolence and respect. This is not a new phenomenon.

By the early 2000s, companies had recognized this paradigm shift and devised new skills matrices for their managers. Gone were the days of the technical expert or business specialist! New adjectives such as "manager-facilitator" or "manager-coach" appeared, giving pride of place to soft skills. In the post-lockdown era, things have continued to change, especially in sectors affected by talent shortages.
From now on, companies have to be seductive. The hunt for rare skills is on, and the battle for the employer brand is raging. But here again, the role of management is central, for it would be a mistake to consider recruitment as an end in itself. On the contrary, it's where it all begins!

To build employee loyalty, you need to be able to develop and nurture a relationship.

Local managers play an essential role here, given the frequency and nature of the interactions they have with their colleagues. The quality of a relationship depends to a large extent on the ability to accept others in their uniqueness, and even to value their differences. As you can see, tomorrow's manager must be inclusive, both in his or her posture and in his or her practices. But what does this mean in concrete terms?

The inclusive manager, a talent harvester

First and foremost, it requires genuine and constant open-mindedness. Accepting to leave one's comfort zone behind, and being ready to question one's own biases and stereotypes.
Secondly, it means adopting clear, transparent communication and encouraging open, respectful exchanges within your team, ensuring that everyone can express themselves freely. The aim is to foster an environment where everyone feels confident in sharing their ideas and opinions.
It is also important to create a climate of fairness and equity, taking into account individual skills and performance, and offering the same development opportunities to all.
development opportunities, whether in terms of training or promotion.

Developing inclusion means not only providing a welcoming working environment, but also fostering creativity and boosting productivity. Companies have everything to win!

Column written for la Revue RH&M by

Aurélie Judlin

Managing Director