The workplace of the future
Alice Hamelin
Senior Consultant
D&I subjects are often sensitive topics, brought to people’s attention by current events or regulatory pressure. The workplace of the future is our line of work that combines research, news and regulatory monitoring, and our field observations in order to offer a prospective reflection on the future of working well together.
The creative hub
The creative hub is time that we dedicate, as a team, to testing new teaching methods, designing digital content and identifying a subject that we would like to explore in greater depth. Each consultant devotes two days a month to the hub. We sometimes call on additional expertise to enrich our thinking.
Monitoring and editorial plans
Diversity and inclusion issues are evolving rapidly in line with media trends and regulatory pressure. Some countries (such as Sweden with senior citizens or Spain with women's rights) are frontrunners in terms of inspiring practices. Our team conducts a daily watch in order to be able to understand the issues on a global scale and identify future trends. We provide editorial content to animate firms’ various communities and groups (ambassador networks, gender networks, prevention officers, volunteers etc.).
Prospective studies and research
What is the impact of remote working on gender inequality?
Are psychosocial risks gendered?
Our team builds its expertise by combining research and field experience and offers you entertaining content in the form of articles, podcasts, and motion designs.
Roundtables and conferences
Are you an ambassador for a gender or diversity network? Are you a member of the HR department who would like to highlight D&I issues in your internal events?
We host roundtables and conferences with the objective of bringing diversity and inclusion issues forward.