Cultivating diversity and inclusion at work: discover our international e-learning course

Diversity and inclusion are more than just passing trends, they're the foundations on which successful businesses are built. At Equilibres, we believe in their power for positive transformation!
We are delighted to present our brand-new 5-module e-learning course:
- The fundamentals of diversity and inclusion
- The principles of non-discrimination
- Equality between men and women in the workplace
- Unconscious biases in the workplace
- Inclusive management
Each module consists of a motion design explaining the key concepts, quizzes and case studies, and a pedagogical sheet.
Discover our exclusive new e-learning course
During this demo, we want to offer you the opportunity to discover an effective and powerful tool to raise awareness of diversity and inclusion issues among your teams and encourage these values within your company. With the help of our experts, explore the challenges of D&I and test one of the modules of our specially designed e-learning path exclusively.
This training course is deployable in all your countries of operation:
- Course available in original version in the following languages: French, English, German, Italian, Spanish.
- Subtitles available in the language of your choice.

English demo:
Tuesday June 11, 2024 - from 11am to 12pm

Démo en français :
Jeudi 13 juin 2024 - de 12h00 à 13h00