« Train the trainers » programme

10,000 members of the diversity network
Our client is a corporate network committed to gender equality, whose objectives are to recruit, engage and unite network members around professional equality and gender diversity, and to disseminate a culture of equality. Our client called on EQUILIBRES to train and equip the network's ambassadors, turning them into genuine trainers for all employees.
Objectives and recommendations of EQUILIBRES:
Provide our customer with a catalogue of Equilibres training courses
Run training sessions for each workshop in the catalogue for members of the network
Train future trainers in facilitation techniques and in the creation of educational content on our subjects, in order to make them self-sufficient
Proposed plan:
The proposed scheme comprises three main phases:
1/ Training the ambassadors in facilitation techniques (workshops of 10 people and 1.5 days/workshop)
2/ Transfer knowledge to the ambassadors for the various workshops selected. Examples of themes:
- Gender stereotypes
- Understanding the impact of socio-cultural barriers to professional equality
- Acting in line with your values
- Moving from self-censorship to self-promotion
- Overcoming the mental burden
- Preventing sexism
- ...
3/ Training in the development of new content in line with our customer's needs (workshops for 1 to 5 people and 1 day/workshop): designing an educational scenario, a presentation guide and the associated media.