Sexual harassment and gender-based violence referral training

We initially called on Equilibres to provide training for our sexual harassment and sexist harassment officers. We chose Equilibres after I took part in a particularly relevant training course offered by the AACC and run by Equilibres.

When we decided to train all our managers and employees, Equilibres seemed the obvious choice. In a context where publications about #BalanceTonAgency, Lionesses and revelations about the advertising industry are recurrent, our priority was to protect our employees and managers so that they could react in the event of harassment or sexist behaviour.

It was important for us to make a distinction between employees and managers. As managers are the real safeguards in such circumstances, it is essential to define not only their sphere of action, but also their scope of competence and responsibilities.

The Equilibres approach allows training to take place in a caring environment, without any judgement or feelings of guilt. These are real workshops rather than top-down training sessions. It's very practical, but it's not just about recalling legal texts; it's about putting people in real-life situations and sharing constructive experiences, so that they can question themselves and challenge themselves.

All the feedback I've had from people I've trained has been very positive and I'm now a real ambassador for Equilibres, recommending it to others.

Feedback from participants

"Lively workshop, collaborative participation, good advice".

"An accessible and attentive speaker. She knew our professional environment and was able to adapt her examples to it and understand our own".

"The speaker was very well-spoken, knew her subject inside out and managed to immerse us in it thanks to a theoretical but also practical approach. I really enjoyed the discussions and the examples used. Very good training in every respect, thank you!"

"Possibility of measuring and quantifying harassment in the workplace".

"It was a really useful course that wasn't too intrusive. The trainer was very educational and gave us the right points to defend ourselves if one day this kind of behaviour happens to us, as well as enabling us to recognise it."

Would you like to train your sexual harassment and sexual harassment officers?